Weekly Video Round Up #17 - 3/29/21 - 4/4/21

3/29 - TBR Shelf Organization and Clean up! | March is TBR Month | Gotta Make Room for New Books | Backlist

Hi, I’m Mo.
Welcome to my TBR Shelf Organization and Clean up!! I have to make more room on my TO BE READ shelf for more books to read! Check out all my Backlist books while I clean and ramble.
I have declared March to be TBR month. I have done a TBR Tag (https://youtu.be/DiL2O8BJheg), Shown you all my physical books (https://youtu.be/clDFNN3TsmA), Talked about hauls(https://youtu.be/q3QHc9U5cUI) and shown some recently acquired books(https://youtu.be/Xp3qIZqzeBw). All in the name of organizing my TBR. But what I really needed was to organize my TBR!! Where do you keep your to be read books? How do you keep that space neat and tidy? In this video I also pick out my next read for March! I'm participating in March Mystery Madness this month and I'm loving it!
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three times a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Channels Mentioned: Rick MacDonnell: https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperMacDonnell

Books in this video: All of them!

Cats in this video: none

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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4/2 - April Plan with Me | Booktube Planning, Video Ideas | I ask my insta followers to pick my videos!

Hi, I’m Mo.
Here is a my April Plan with me using my minimalist bullet journal. My instagram followers help me pick my booktube videos for April 2021.
My minimalist bujo set us is generally the same but I have made a few little changes to my booktube content calendar. I find creating my monthly set ups each month fun and relaxing and it's always fun to show my subscribers as I do it! My minimalist and simple style really work for me! I show you last months to show how messy the calendar gets by the end of the month. It was so fun to have my insta friends help me pick videos for this month! I would like to try this again! If you want to follow me there (http://instagram.com/madcat1), please do!! I didn't want to list all the video ideas so that they are still a surprise!! If you have a plan with me, let us know in the comments!

Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three times a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Cognitive Surplus: https://cognitive-surplus.com/collections/notebooks

Other plan with me videos:
Feb: https://youtu.be/rrC6aZ3XfxA
Monthly: https://youtu.be/kMjTct0oSa4
Daily Fill In: https://youtu.be/diKPqNabev8

Cats in this video: you can hear my husband yelling at the boys (Martin and Irving) to stop fighting at one point.

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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4/5 - TBR ASMR 7 | LoFi ASMR | Tapping, scratching, page turning, cat sounds, petting, rubbing | Book ASMR

Hi, I’m Mo.
Booktube ASMR with tapping, scratching, cat petting, book stacking, page turning, lo fi sounds. These are some books from my TBR.
I really like picking some books from my TBR Shelf and creating some lofi ASMR. Irving decided to join me today. We are looking at all books that have to do with sharks this month! I hope you enjoy this gentle and lo fi book ASMR!

Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three times a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Books in this video:
Close to Shore (2001) Micheal Capuzzo
The Raw Shark Texts (2007) Steven Hall
The Jaws Log (1975) Carl Gottlieb Cats in this video: Martin!

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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