The Murders of Molly Southbourne

One of my goals in 2021 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.

The first book I read as a Booktube recommendation, The Murders of Molly Southbourne by Tade Thompson kinda blew my mind.


Molly grows up with many rules, some of which she doesn’t understand until she’s older. Molly grows up learning to fight and to kill. Molly grows up with many little girls who look like her but none of them can stay.

This is a very short sci fi novel that packs a punch. Molly is raised in almost complete isolation by her family and you quickly find out why. I think it might even say in the blurb on the back of the book, but I feel like when I read the book, I would have preferred not to know before hand. So I will not explain it here. Bc of the conditions of her isolation and the extreme care that her parents took with and instilled in her, she has periods of terrible paranoia. Although this book is short, it is able to convey it’s information in interesting and suspenseful ways. There was a revelation towards the end of the book that basically blew my mind and clues you in to something that has been a bit of a question mark since earlier in the book. You feel quickly for Molly’s paranoia and her desire to see and meet people. Murders certainly had a lot of mysteries, many of which were not in any way satisfied. This is the first in a series but can be read as a stand alone. I’m not sure who could just read this one, though, and am excited to pick up the rest of the books! I would highly recommend this book to those who like mystery horror, but be warned this book has many graphic passages. I would also recommend this book to those who like quick and gripping reads, and those who like clone or duplicate stories.

This book is featured in my Jan Wrap Up.

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