Death at High Tide

One of my goals in 2022 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.

My husband spotted this one and I was glad to get a cozy mystery based in the Jersey Shore area where we live. Death at High Tide is the 2rd book in the Jersey Shore Mystery Series by Beth Sherman.

Anne Hartaway has lived in Oceanside Heights her whole life. It’s convenient that her latest ghost writing job is currently in her town! Anne is not thrilled to be writing a celebrity memoir/self help book, but she is happy that she can do so from her ocean facing front porch. The actress she’s writing for is a total divva, super difficult, but Anne wouldn’t wish her dead! Unfortunately, that’s what happens and Anne decides she must find out what happened.

Anne stays on in her small town partly out of honor and duty, but I’m sure getting to solve mysteries is part of the reason she stays! Although she’s an easy going, mild mannered ghost writer, she sure does attract murders and trouble! I like that these cozy mysteries are fun and straightforward arcitypes of their genre with a jersey shore twist. I love that they are set in a fictional version of Ocean Grove NJ, where I have long visited and where I now live next door, in neighboring Asbury Park. Since these books are written and take place in the 90s, it’s fun to see some of the iconic landmarks and areas mentioned. And to see who things have changed over the years. It’s also interesting to see the area thru a cozy mystery lense, how things are described when they need to fit in with a cozy mystery plot. I really love to read books about places I know, visit often, or love. It’s fun to really understand where the books are set or how the events could have come to pass. The history of Ocean Grove and Asbury Park are very rich, so it’s surprising in many ways that there aren’t more books set here. This is a very silly but fun mystery series, pretty unbelievable but very readable. I would recommend this book to those who want to try writing cozy mysteries, this is a book that makes you feel like anyone can. I would also recommend this to people who like mysteries set near the ocean, readers who live in the area, and those who like summer mysteries.

What is you favorite geographical location for a book to be set?

This book can be seen in my July Wrap Up.

More about books here:

January Plant Update

January was pretty cold, rainy, wet, and snowy. We went to the beach, looked to the sky, but there weren’t too many plants to discover, except under all the snow. They are dredging at one of our favorite beaches; Interesting to look at, not great for the environment. We got out to play and Irving came out in the snow, too! Check out more pics of the snow covered garden with the return of Mad Cat Garden, coming soon!

Big winter sky.

A pipeline of sand.

The start of a storm.

What it looked like later.

Snow child.

And back to the sky!

January was very…. January this year. We saw some plants, but it was wintery. Will feb be the same?

How was the first month of your year for plant observations?

Best Nine 2021

I always really like to get my best nine on instagram each year. I’ve been doing it for the last 6 years. Ever since we moved to Asbury Park. This year I couldn’t get the bestnine website to work. I tried multiple times starting in december to get them to generate my grid. And it just wouldn’t do it. Luckily, 2021 was not a banner year for me and insta. Or unluckily. Either way, I sat down the other day, looked at every insta post I did and found my most viewed nine posts. And made my own grid.


This grid has some interesting aspects but most notable is that this is the first grid with no cats.

In 2022, I hope to post more on instagram again. As of today, I haven’t actually posted at all this year, yet. But I have been taking photos every day. I’m trying to figure out a way to post on insta without actually going on insta. One idea I’m working on is a 365 photo project. Another is getting a insta feeding app so that I can schedule my posts but not actually be on the insta app.

Although I love insta in many ways, I find that is can be depressing to see certain real world events unfold there, and it’s a giant time suck when I get stuck in endless scrolling.

I’ll be excited to see what 2022 brings in pictures.

Here are all the past years:







December Plant Update

December had unseasonably warm days, chilly days, rain and sun. It was a good month for plant and beach and animal observations. We stayed close to home for all of the month, pretty much; Never traveling further than our county and not venturing far, even then.

Two somber boys.

Many sun rises.

A Cooper’s Hawk?

A neighbor cat.

One very confused iris.

Beautiful but in entirely the wrong time and place.

Decorations and celebrations.

Fata Morgana - when ships appear to float on air rather than sea.

In December, my work sched was almost entirely early mornings, which allowed me to see many great sights, including a floating air ship and striking sunrises. In Jan, I might catch some sunsets from work.

We’ve alread had snow in the new month and the new year. What were you’re plant observations for December and the end of 2021? What are you looking forward to in 2022?

November Plant Update

I might have mentioned, but in November, I was mostly at work, therefore my plant observations come mainly from there.

After a squall.

What a job!! I was tasked to repot 50 coffee plants this day!!

Coffee plants at the sea.

This oxalis loves the light, but looks beautiful in the evening as well.

Sunset at Asbury and Ocean.

A brief but vibrant collection of observations this month. What did November look like in your area?

October Plant Update

Plant observations for October were less about the plants and more about the critters and wide open spaces! We saw some watery spots, some late season butterflies, and some gorgeous skies!

Keyport, NJ

Farmingdale, NJ

Will never get over this color!

Monarch on the oak leaf hydrangeas.

Who can tell me something about this moth?

Another sleepy butterfly.

Morning commute.

And evening commute.

What was your October like?

September Plant Update

We spent a good amount of time on the beach in Sept. It’s local’s summer and we always try to get in some #septemberswims in. We travelled some this month, sometimes to different beaches!! We made some plant observations along the way.

Mushrooms with a view.

Mushrooms with a view.

A different beach view.

A different beach view.

And a closer look at that pier.

And a closer look at that pier.

A good (but dead) horseshoe crab.

A good (but dead) horseshoe crab.

Cormorant at golden hour.

Cormorant at golden hour.

September flowers were wonderful!

September flowers were wonderful!

Something left behind.

Something left behind.

Sunset in Deal.

Sunset in Deal.

September was a pretty perfect month for getting out and about. The weather was mostly lovely and we took advantage of it. Where did you go this month? What did you observe?

August Plant Update

August was a great month for plant observations, but it was one of those months that not many photos were taken! It was a wet and rainy summer, but that meant that the moments of brightness and sun were even more lush and high contrast. We saw flowers, trees, so many weird new things in the garden. We saw animals and got to visit the sea.


I’m not sure what color our Japanese maple is supposed to be bc it seems to be constantly changing!


I love this sharp petalled flowers.


We spotted these huge peppers at a favorite community garden.


Keyport, NJ.


Asbury Park, NJ.


Our old man’s beard blew up in August!!

What were plants doing for you in August? Here, Aug is the end of Summer, but also the height of Summer. So we have many great plant observations!

September in Review

I think most years, September is my favorite month of the year. in 2021, I think it went too fast to really appreciate it. We worked, and enjoyed local’s Summer, we saw cats, and flowers, and traveled around our state. But the month flew by.

sept 2021 1.png

People (adults) always say that time moves faster as you get older. Now that I’m an adult, I find that to be true. Why is that and how can I make it stop?

Don’t get me wrong, Sept is still in the running to be my favorite month of 2021. We’ll see if another month can beat it. The weather will be hard to top.

sept 2021 2.png

Sept was a busy month, but we explored, read, rested, and hung out with cats. The beach was a major theme, but #SeptemeberSwims were at a minimum, unfortunately.

I often think of the Star Trek Next Gen movie where the planet they visit have a way to slow time, stop and live in a moment, and stretch the feeling and experience. In September, there were several moments I would have slowed and lived longer in.

Let’s find those moments in October.