Pandemic Pantry | The Joy Of Using Up

When we first went in to lockdown and when the hours of the groceries were cut and stock was limited, I became very aware that I was scared of food scarcity.

I didn’t know this about myself before these events. I had no idea I would have a visceral, anxiety filled reaction of being scared about the loss of food, the lack of food, and the need to change the way I ate. My relationship to food may not always be healthy (whose always is?), but it is a huge part of my life. And the idea of not being able to eat the way I was used to scared me.

It took a little adjustment, but I discovered that I could still eat well, and that I wouldn’t have to change my diet too much, or lose out on things I enjoyed. Sometimes I couldn’t find what I wanted (tofu was scarce in the beginning), but I found that I didn’t mind having to come up with other ideas, or substitutions, to what I considered my staples. Soon, I was not only used to only going to the grocery every few weeks, but I found I enjoyed it and it was something that I wanted to keep after the time of covid is over.

Each week we stretch and stretch the food we have so that we can take less frquant trips to the supermarket. Some days it feels like there’s nothing left to eat. But each time we have found that we have plenty and are able to make delicious and nutritious meals. What we also discovered was that it was challnaging, interesting and fun to stretch what we had. To have to be innovative. To have to make do.

Now that groceries are better stocked and our garden is growing we don’t often have to go without what we want. Farm markets are open for fresh veg, bakeries are open for fresh bread. But now, as in the early days of lockdown, there’s a distinct pleasure when we use up an item and get the most out of it. It might be something that’s been in the pantry long before isolation, or it might be a fresh head of lettuce, that in “the old days” would have gone off before we got to it bc our food supply was ever incoming, overly abundant, and less time was taken to see what we had and what we had to use before our next supermarket run.

The Joy of Using Up that comes with many aspects of sustainability is always an unexpected pleasure.


Fast Fashion, Slow Fashion, Ethical Fashion, Sustainable Fashion, Second Hand

In this series I explain terms used in the low impact movement, lifestyle terms, and other verbiage that I use on my blog and in my daily life. Simply, in case they are new to readers. In some cases, I have done some research on them, but these definitions are mostly what I understand them to be and how I use them.

Last month, we talked about capsule wardrobes and and some terms surrounding that idea. There are many reasons to keep a capsule wardrobe but one of the biggest reasons in the horrible impact the fashion industry has on the environment and our global community. Here are the explanation of some important terms to know as I understand them.

Fast Fashion
Most simply put, Fast Fashion is the business of making clothing as cheaply and quickly as possible to keep up with changing trends.
But the byproduct of fast fashion takes a horrendous toll on the planet and the global population. Sweatshops, inhumane conditions, slave labor, child imprisonment, millions of tons of wasted water, millions of tons of garbage in landfills, mircoplastics, air pollution from incineration, animal cruelty, land dispute, clear cropping, pollution of water, air and land, use of pesticides, are only some, not even all, of the terrible outcome of fast fashion. Almost all fashion brands use some or all of these methods but a general rule is the bigger, less expensive, more widely available clothing is going to be the worse for fast fashion’s damaging practices. A few brands to avoid at all costs are Forever Twenty One, H&M, Target, Walmart, Zara, Primark, to name only a few.

Slow Fashion
Slow Fashion is the reaction to the devastation Fast Fashion has created and a movement to return to better quality made, ethically produced, clothing and a return to personal style without the need to follow trends. Slow fashion suggests buying few items, that are better made and made in humane ways, and take better care of them throughout their lifespan to be able to have them longer and enjoy them more.

Ethical Fashion
By using the term Ethical Fashion, a brand is letting consumers know that the clothing was made under ethical conditions. This usually indicates that there were not sweat shop conditions and there were fair wages for workers used when creating these clothes. It may also indicate that no animals were harmed but to be sure, check that a brand is also vegan. It may also mean the clothing was made sustainably. Each company’s use of these terms is different so make sure to research the companies you buy from carefully.

Sustainable Fashion
This can fall under Ethical clothing or Slow Fashion but brands that specifically advertise that they are Sustainable use practices to reduce their impact on the world and environment. This can encompass less water usage, less pollutants released into the environment, better working conditions, use of renewable resources and more.

Second Hand
Second Hand clothing is clothing that people donate to thrift shops, churches, vintage shops, or other places that people can buy them. Second hand clothing is usually inexpensive, off season, and pre worn. Some say second hand clothing is the most sustainable and ethical bc it is reusing of clothes that others have gotten rid of. This is a very budget friendly way to shop, good if you like to try new things or new trends, and helps clothing get a longer life before ending up in landfill or incinerator. But as a whole society we must change the way we shop, stop buying fast fashion, stop allowing it to be made, in order to really solve the problem.

Did you find these terms helpful? If you want more info on these or ant terms we have explored please leave your questions in the comments!


Something New: Sourdough Starter

Here’s a controversial statement. I want to make a sourdough starter but I don’t want to make bread.

I might have gone thru a brief period where I thought making bread was cool (don’t get me wrong it IS cool), but working at a restaurant that makes great bread, I’d decided to put my efforts elsewhere. I have amazing bread professionals around me to make the bread.

But since my work was closed for about 5 weeks, I finally broke down and got started making starter.
It wasn’t lack of bread that convinced me. Some friends have been kind enough to gift me bread, and we have been buying it on grocery trips. It was seeing all the other things you could make with the starter.

Pancakes, biscuits, flat bread, pita, crackers! So many items that one would otherwise have to buy in plastic can be made at home more easily with a sourdough starter!

So start a starter I did, it’s been a few weeks now and going well! I used King Arthur Flour’s sourdough starter recipe, which is simple and easy. I particularly like it bc it doesn’t require a scale. I’m not much of a measure-er let alone going to scale things out. I also have only been feeding my starter once a day. It’s cool enough in my house, and I’ve only been making a small amount to reduce waste, so this has been working for me.

Have you made a sourdough starter? If so, share your thoughts and tips in the comments! Have you made bread, or are you focusing on the lesser uses of your mix?

I’m excited to share more about my starter and much more about the recipes I use it for!


Banza Chickpea Pasta Review

Now is the time to go thru everything in your pantry and eat it up! While looking thru mine, I found half of a box of Banza Chickpea Pasta and remembered how much I hated it!!


I had seen a lot of people eating this pasta and decided to try it. Pasta made from chickpeas, it sounded interesting. I like the bold orange box, and I like that it only has a small plastic window. It has much less plastic then my normal pasta of choice. I made it according to instructions and tasted it.

This is, by far, the worst pasta I have ever eaten in my entire life. Gritty, grainy, not tasty, not quick to cook, really really bad, are just some of the ways I would describe this pasta.

One can’t like everything one tries. And just bc we are trying to reduce our waste doesn’t mean that we should stop experimenting or enjoying trying new things (even if they might, in fact, generate waste). We can only do our best and not beat ourselves up about it.

Luckily, the other day a friend mentioned that she likes this pasta (how?!), so the remainder of the box will go to her. If she doesn’t want it, I could make it to feed it to the birds, or simply put it in the compost. I can rest easy knowing the left overs will not go to waste and knowing that I never have to eat this pasta ever again.


Capsule Wardrobe, Curated Closet, One in One Out

In this series I explain terms used in the low impact movement, lifestyle terms, and other verbiage that I use on my blog and in my daily life. Simply, in case they are new to readers. In some cases, I have done some research on them, but these definitions are mostly what I understand them to be and how I use them.

April is here and I’ve made my 4th spring capsule wardrobe (16 capsules in total). I’m excited for another spring and another year of slow fashion, curating my closet, paring down all my clothes, and keeping a capsule. I talk a lot about these things on this blog and it’s an important part of a mindful, low impact existence. This seems like a good time to define these terms as I understand them.

Capsule Wardrobe
The term capsule wardrobe was first coined in the 1970s, by shop owner, Susie Faux, but it was recently made most popular by Be More With Less and her Project 333.
The basic concept is that you have a wardrobe in 2-4 parts (depending on weather where you live), which you swap out seasaonally. You have a limited amout of clothing in each (and ideally all ethical and sustainable or second hand). People often keep to a color scheme and each piece goes with every other piece. This makes getting dressed simple, non-decisional and pleasant. The underlying factors are items that are versatile, easily picked out, and fit your personal style. A Capsule Wardrobe usually consists of a certain amount of clothing in each season, but what that number is depends on your personal preference. This is the basic concept but how far and deep you want to delve into a Capsule Wardrobes system is up to each person. Some choose to only include their basic everyday clothes, come include shoes, accessories and outer wear, some have special capsules for fancy dress, exercise, lounge, wear, etc… A CW can also help one determine their personal style if they feel like they have none. Buy making a CW each season, you more easily find what you like, what you don’t, what is comfortable and fits well. CW enthusiasts also suggest buying better made and more durable pieces, so that the items last longer, and you are able to enjoy them more. There is an emphasis on repair rather than buying new.

I’m not sure where this iinfo grafic originated, but this is an example of what one possible capsule might look like. Not a very practical one, but…

I’m not sure where this iinfo grafic originated, but this is an example of what one possible capsule might look like. Not a very practical one, but…

10 by 10
This phrase refers mainly to the idea of pairing down your Capsule Wardrobe even more on a semi regular basis. By taking 10 items, including shoes, accessories, and outer wear, and wearing only these items for 10 days, we now can stretch the potential or our daily capsule and our creativity. Some Capsule Wardrobe keepers will build a 10 by 10 wardrobe for special events, vacations, etc… some just use one periodically as inspiration and challenge. This concept was made popular by Style Bee (she may also be the inventor).

Curated Closet
Once you have made your capsule wardrobe to your satisfaction, you may end up with just a simple Curated Closet. This means that every item in your wardrobe goes with every other, each are practical, and make you feel good, fit well and are taken care of. A curated closet doesn’t require as much work as a Capsule, bc you only have one, as opposed to several to deal with. Even if you still end up switching items out seasonally, you now know that your wardrobe is complete. Having a simple pleasurable curated closet is one of the goals of a CW. It takes the stress and guess work out of getting dressed each day, the anxiety of having “nothing to wear” or nothing that fits and makes you feel good. It also takes the stress of shopping for items out of your process, bc most Curated Closets simply replace items as they can no longer be worn, but put little or no effort into coming up with new items, or styles to buy.

One In, One Out Rule
Many Capsule Wardrobe and Curated Closet methods believe in the idea of the One in, One Out Rule. It sounds just like what it is, which is when one items is brought into your wardrobe, one must be taken out. This way you never accumulate more items than you need.

Are the definitions or these terms as you understand them? Do you have a different definition? Or a question about a related word of phrase? Share in the comments!

Pandemic Pantry - A Trip to the Supermarket Has a Whole New Vibe

I love supermarkets. I’m a supermarket tourist. I love to visit them, see new ones, go to them when I’m traveling, or seek out interesting ones near me. We used to hit the supermarket 2-5 times per week. Whenever we were thinking of something, wanted to get out of the house, needed an item or two, we would head to the grocery, sometimes stopping at a more local shop in between. We did this bc we liked it and bc we could.

But visiting the supermarket has become a whole new experience in the time of covid 19. It’s become something we must all plan for as we make our Pandemic Panty. Here are some tips for your next visit!


Plan what day you want to shop and stick to it!
There are several benefits to plan what day and when you will take a trip to the supermarket. While we are social distancing, it’s best to leave the house only when absolutely necessary. By planning your day to shop, you will know when you have to go out and you can plan other chores around that day (post office, pet store, etc…). You will also have a better idea how much food you have left in the house. If you plan to go shopping and stick to that day, you may find yourself getting creative in the last meals before your trip and this is a good thing! Another good reason to plan your day to shop and stick to it is that you can coordinate what days/times are the least bananas at your grocery, or will be the most productive for you. With all the restrictions placed on times to shop (senior hours, long lines, early closing hours, restocking or sanitizing days, etc…), being strategic so you are sure to get everything you need and not get overwhelmed is key.

Make a thorough list.
We talked all about that in our last pandemic pantry post.
Remember it’s very important to only buy what you need and avoid hoarding.


Be prepared.
Once you have you list, make sure you have your cloth bags, for produce and groceries. Make sure you have your mask and gloves (if you use them). Come equip with a sanitizer for before and after. get everything you need together before your trip, so you are not scrambling around at the last minute or feeling flustered. The vibe at most groceries is now super tense, we want to eliminate this in ourselves as much as possible. You know when your shopping trip will be, so gather your gear early.

Stick to your guns.
Many groceries now require certain items and disallow others. You can bring reusable bags, but you must bag you own groceries (no big deal, you were prob doing that already). Some require masks and gloves, make sure to wear your own reusables, to avoid waste. Many supermarkets have done away with their bulk sections, so you might have to get creative. The important thing is that you are still thinking about how to shop the most sustainable and zero waste under the current circumstances. This will def require some extra work, but putting aside our own convenience is still a big part of this endeavor. It’s easy in this time to give into thinking, why does it matter? But it matters more now than ever, and what we demand as consumers now, could change the face of consumption after the pandemic.


Do the best you can.
The above being said, it has become harder to be sustainable in this time so, as always, we must start where we are and do what we can. Can’t wear your own gloves? Take the disposable but make sure they get thrown away properly. Can’t bring your own produce bags? Use the groceries paper bags (often where the bakery items are). Can’t find items in bulk? choose the same item with cardboard packaging or has the least amount of plastic. Can’t use cloth bags at check out? Ask for paper so they can be recycled. This is a useful time to think about all the easy swaps to be made. resourcefulness is a huge part of sustainability.

Stay calm.
or as we like to say at MCQ, Don’t Panic. This is going to be a frustraiting visit to the supermarket. They may not have what you need. They might only have it in plastic. They might be crowded. People might be rude. It’s hard to tell what people are saying, thinking and feeling when everyone is covered up and apprehensive. Remember to communicate clearly, smile, take your time, and don’t panic.

With these tips in mind, you are sure to have a successful shopping trip. Do you have any ideas or experiences to share?

Mad Cat Capsule | Spring 2020 (April, May June)

Here we are at the 4th Spring that I have made a Capsule Wardrobe. When I write it down like that, it doesn’t seem too long, but think about it, that means I’ve made 16 Capsules. Making a capsule each season is something I look forward to, and I don’t think, until I have pared down my clothes to only have 1 small wardrobe, that I’ll ever go back to a conventional closet. Spring is always a special marker for me, bc it was the first season that I ever started a capsule.

This Spring will be a weird one. We’ve had an early Spring here on the East Coast of USA (thanks groundhog!) but the weather was still rainy and grey in the beginning of April. I was all set to go thru absolutely all my clothes in the beginning of March, picking items to wear to work, wear out and about and wear at home, since those are the places that I mostly am.

Or was. Once we got our stay at home order, my idea for this capsule changed. I didn’t feel that I needed to go thru everything before the month my capsule started. I also didn’t feel the need to have my capsule complete and set my the beginging of the spring season. I’ve been slowly swapping out items, seeing what I’m drawn to wearing, and what makes me feel great now that I’m spending my time differently than I thought I would be.

One of the main ideas of having a capsule is having a complete wardope that makes it easy to get ready every day. Having a limited amount of items that all go together make it very easy to not think too hard about what one is going to wear every day. To choose these items, I go by season and weather, by where I plan to be and what I plan to be doing, and how I’m feeling at the time of making the Capsule (this might effect color and style choice). taking into consideration I might be out of work and isolating (with my husband, of course, ) for a while (perhaps the whole capsule?), here’s what I’ve come up with:


8 pants - Grey wool slacks (thrifted and vintage), green holey jeans (thrifted), everlane blue (ethical, sustainable), everlane button grey (ethical, sustainable), blue linen sailor (thrifted, vintage), tan pleated (thifted, vintage), engineer (thrifted), mens levis (thrifted).


4 dresses - grey sweatshirt (10+ years), burnout (hand me down), silver eileen fisher (thrifted, ethical , sustainable), blue denim (thrifted).


2 skirts - black tea length (8+ years), black leather (thrifted, vintage).


10 sweaters - Cropped mock neck (thrifted), confetti (thrifted), grey wool (thrifted), black and white (8+ years), black holey (5+ years), anchors (thrifted), teal (5+ years), grey cardigan (vintage, hand me down), green cardigan (vintage, hand me down), cashmere (thrifted).


5 long sleeved tops - striped henley (10+ years), blue button down (hand me down), grey lace sweatshirt (thrifted), cropped with elbow patch (clothing swap), grey waffle (8+ years),


3 tops - sheer patterned (thrifted), cropped floral (thrifted), grey waffle (8+ years).


9 t shirts - ford crop (vintage, thrifted), pachyderm (local artist, 8+ years), pizza! (work shirt, local, 4+ years), green v neck (ethical, 10+years), green crew (ethical, 10+ years), grey crew (ethical, 10+ years), minutemen (10+ years), spiritualized (band t, 10+ years, artist), happy bday sandwiches (homemade by a stanger, thrifted).


3 tanks - grey (10+ years), black crop (10+ years), TBD.

4 shoes - floran vans, flops (ethical, recycled), velcro vans (3+ years), blue/black vans (thrifted).

So this season’s capsule sits right around 50 pieces, not including outerwear, or incidentals (maybe I want to wear some boots, but prob not). Spring is a tough month already, bc one never knows what the weather will be, but factoring in the wild changes in the world, it’s almost impossible to tell what will be most used. I tried to go with a lot of my favorite items for this capsule, but also comfort was key. Sweaters, easy pants, loose dresses are all in the capsule. This Spring I also have an honorable mentions pile. This is something I have never done. It consists of clothes that I wear, but are not really in my capsule, or items that might go in it.


Honorable mention pile - Velvet skirt. This is a short skirt, and I don’t know if I’ll get to use it (hand me down). Floral top. This one needs some modifications for me to wear it. Will I do them in time for this capsule? (vintage, thrifted). Going out PJs. These are 3+ years old, and they are just sweats, but presentable enough to wear to the grocery. Grey slacks. I’m not sure I need these, but if I take to wearing them, I might swap something out of the above capsule (vintage, thrifted). Garden pants. My pants for gardening (thrifted). Silver sweater. I love this very moth eaten sweater, but not sure I’ll wear it for this capsule (10+ years).

What will you be doing over the next three months? Maybe your Spring wardrobe is all loungewear, since you know you’ll be staying home, maybe you are still working and only need professional clothes…

Whatever the case may be, a Capsule Wardrobe can keep you prepared. Are you making one this season?

Zero Waste | Trash Sorting - This is Not an Audit

In 2017 I started my zero waste journey. Zero Waste is the goal, mindful practice is the action. When I use the term Zero Waste, that is my ultimate goal, but Less Waste would be a more  accurate description of my evolving lifestyle. 


Ok, this kind of IS a trash audit. 

But now, while you’re staying home, is the perfect time to assess what trash you are creating and how to reduce it! We did a trash audit in our 6 More Months of Zero Waste series more than a year ago. Even if you were following along back then, it’s a good time to see how far you’ve come!

An audit sounds so serious. I picture sitting in the middle of a pile of garbage, sifting thru it, to see what’s in there. I prefer the idea of trash sorting. I find this to be more sustainable kind of audit. My advice is to take 3-4 bags, preferably paper, depending on what you want to sort, and replace your normal trash method with these. Label the bags if you like, or just remember which is which. Labeling might be helpful, especially if you are not the only one who throws items away in your household. Set a time limit for your sort. Maybe a week, if that’s how long it take for you to throw out the trash. Maybe a month to get a better idea of your trash habits.

Normally, I have 5 bags or places that I sort garbage into. One bag is for recycling (luckily, we don’t have to sort our recycling into categories. We put glass, plastic, metal and paper together). One bag for general trash (items that go into landfill. This is plastic that doesn’t get recycled, cat waste, human waste, and other items that don’t fit into any other spot. This area is where we generate the least waste). Compost is another area (this is where we put all food waste to be taken out to the compost pile). We keep one bag for plastic film recycling, which we drop off to our local grocery as our city doesn’t recycle it curbside (we try to reduce this as much as possible, but we still have cheese wrappers, bread bags and chip bags). Lastly I put aside plastic items like milk cartons, yogurt cups, and other items that can get a second life at the private alternative school where my mom works (they use cups for paints, create models from milk cartons and other “junk”).
Having this many avenues for waste, when I do an audit, I don’t have too much more to sort. When I audit, I like to make another space to see what plastic I’m throwing away, I like to track how much cat waste we generate. I also like to see how much of each recyclable items we have. I divide the recycling into categories; plastic, (the least), glass, and metal (the most).

If you’ve never sorted your trash before start with the basics. Let’s assume you already recycle (if you don’t, get started!) so you’re starting with two trash bins. Think about the areas you want to reduce. Here is a few good things to identify:

Sort your recycling into categories to see how much disposable plastic you’re using.
Start composting all food waste (except for meat).
Put plastic that can’t be easily recycled in a separate bin.
Pick a non sustainable item to track, like paper towels, and see how much you’re using.

Once you’ve seen how and what you throw away, here might be some next steps:

Try to cut back on disposable plastics in your recycling and trash.
Take you compost to a local farmers market, or start a compost in your backyard.
See what plastic garbage that you could love without buying or find alternatives (instead of buying tortillas, maybe make them at home?).
Try using an sustainable alternative to generate less waste (like rags instead of paper towels).

Write down your findings or leave them in the comments. What did you learn? Where were you able to reduce? What did this exercise teach you about your waste consumption?