Pandemic Pantry - A Trip to the Supermarket Has a Whole New Vibe

I love supermarkets. I’m a supermarket tourist. I love to visit them, see new ones, go to them when I’m traveling, or seek out interesting ones near me. We used to hit the supermarket 2-5 times per week. Whenever we were thinking of something, wanted to get out of the house, needed an item or two, we would head to the grocery, sometimes stopping at a more local shop in between. We did this bc we liked it and bc we could.

But visiting the supermarket has become a whole new experience in the time of covid 19. It’s become something we must all plan for as we make our Pandemic Panty. Here are some tips for your next visit!


Plan what day you want to shop and stick to it!
There are several benefits to plan what day and when you will take a trip to the supermarket. While we are social distancing, it’s best to leave the house only when absolutely necessary. By planning your day to shop, you will know when you have to go out and you can plan other chores around that day (post office, pet store, etc…). You will also have a better idea how much food you have left in the house. If you plan to go shopping and stick to that day, you may find yourself getting creative in the last meals before your trip and this is a good thing! Another good reason to plan your day to shop and stick to it is that you can coordinate what days/times are the least bananas at your grocery, or will be the most productive for you. With all the restrictions placed on times to shop (senior hours, long lines, early closing hours, restocking or sanitizing days, etc…), being strategic so you are sure to get everything you need and not get overwhelmed is key.

Make a thorough list.
We talked all about that in our last pandemic pantry post.
Remember it’s very important to only buy what you need and avoid hoarding.


Be prepared.
Once you have you list, make sure you have your cloth bags, for produce and groceries. Make sure you have your mask and gloves (if you use them). Come equip with a sanitizer for before and after. get everything you need together before your trip, so you are not scrambling around at the last minute or feeling flustered. The vibe at most groceries is now super tense, we want to eliminate this in ourselves as much as possible. You know when your shopping trip will be, so gather your gear early.

Stick to your guns.
Many groceries now require certain items and disallow others. You can bring reusable bags, but you must bag you own groceries (no big deal, you were prob doing that already). Some require masks and gloves, make sure to wear your own reusables, to avoid waste. Many supermarkets have done away with their bulk sections, so you might have to get creative. The important thing is that you are still thinking about how to shop the most sustainable and zero waste under the current circumstances. This will def require some extra work, but putting aside our own convenience is still a big part of this endeavor. It’s easy in this time to give into thinking, why does it matter? But it matters more now than ever, and what we demand as consumers now, could change the face of consumption after the pandemic.


Do the best you can.
The above being said, it has become harder to be sustainable in this time so, as always, we must start where we are and do what we can. Can’t wear your own gloves? Take the disposable but make sure they get thrown away properly. Can’t bring your own produce bags? Use the groceries paper bags (often where the bakery items are). Can’t find items in bulk? choose the same item with cardboard packaging or has the least amount of plastic. Can’t use cloth bags at check out? Ask for paper so they can be recycled. This is a useful time to think about all the easy swaps to be made. resourcefulness is a huge part of sustainability.

Stay calm.
or as we like to say at MCQ, Don’t Panic. This is going to be a frustraiting visit to the supermarket. They may not have what you need. They might only have it in plastic. They might be crowded. People might be rude. It’s hard to tell what people are saying, thinking and feeling when everyone is covered up and apprehensive. Remember to communicate clearly, smile, take your time, and don’t panic.

With these tips in mind, you are sure to have a successful shopping trip. Do you have any ideas or experiences to share?