The Society of S

One of my goals in 2021 is to read more. See other books I've read or listened to here.

The Society of S was one of my basement box books, no clue where I found this ethical vampire novel by Susan Hubbard.

This book follows the coming of age of a young girl who has been secluded in her rambling victorian home with her sciencetest father, the absence of her mother always looming over them. Where did her mother disappear to and what is the Society of S?

I had no idea what this book was when I included it in a try a chapter video. Here’s a hint, this book and it’s sequels are called the Ethical Vampire Series. Haha. So I had no clue what to expect and I enjoyed my reading of this book, but I also had a lot of issues with it. I liked the solitary vide of the beginning of this book, where our main characters grows up mostly in isolation. I liked the mystery of what kind of science her father does and the surrounding his assistants. I didn’t realize that this was a young adult novel until I started reading. But once I started it was pretty obvious. There were some scary or adult themes in aspects of this book and in the end it is a coming of age story. We watch as this cloistered young girl finds out about life and herself and searches for answers and meaning. While I enjoyed my reading experience and can see some good aspects of this book, over all it was not particularly well written or well paced. I liked that this book takes the vampire trope and makes it less angsty, less sexual, and less scary for young adults. There are instances of all those things in this book but they are toned down by todays standard. That being said, I would recommend this book to young readers who enjoy lighter vampire novels, those interested in exploring more vampire tropes by lesser known authors, and people who read any and all vampire books.

I read this book for a try a chapter video which you can see here. Have you ever tried a chapter to decide your next read? How do you determine what your next book will be?

This book can be seen in my April Wrap Up.

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