Regularly Scheduled Programming

In 2016, I started looking back and seeing what posts I used regularly and making a list. Every year, I look back for my own memory, mostly, but you may want to take a look back, too! I’m late to this article this year, but I think this year it’s especially important to log this info.

Why is that you may ask? Well in 2021, I pretty much didn’t post on my blog. If we looked back and did the calculations (I have not actually done that), I would have posted less blogs posted than in most of the past years. If these are my regular series, but I haven’t posted many of them this year, do they still count? How do we look at what series I stuck with despite being scarcely here? Which count and which don’t?

Below is a list of everything that I would consider a regular series. I’ve starred the ones that were more relevant or more often posted in 2021.

There are several series that are more usually updated, at least monthly and/or weekly:

Month in Review - A review of each month and my favorite instagrams for that month. *

Monthly Plant Update - A review of all the plants I've observed for each month. *

Mad Cat Garden - We started our garden a few years ago, but it’s become a great blog feature.

On My Mind On Friday Morning - A few things I've noticed around the internet, and life, recorded on Friday morning. *

Book Reviews - What I've been reading.*

Weekly Video Round Ups - Here I put the collection of videos from my BookTube each week. *

6 More Months of Zero Waste - In this series of posts we tackle moving to a more zero waste lifestyle. We will be taking a break (kinda) on this series up for at least the first six months of 2021.

Bullet Journal - I've been keeping a BuJo for several years now, and I like to check in about once a month.

Mad Cat Capsule - In 2017, I started keeping a capsule wardrobe, follow my progress here.

Zero Waste - 2017 also marked the start of my zero waste, plastic free journey. I post thoughts, ideas, recipes, and goals. 

Something Nice - Don't you love it when nice stuff happens? 

Something New - Something new I've learned or done. 

.Tattoo Story - To remember my tattoos and why I got them, I record it here.

Recipes - I want to include more recipes, specifically zero waste recipes, here.

Definitions - Some terms that I and other bloggers use but might be new to you. Here’s where you can learn more about all the things we talk about on MCQ.

Product Review - This is where I record reviews of products I have tried.

Monthly Goals - I have been trying to achieve several monthly goals so taht they can eventually become regular habits.

Pandemic Pantry - Originally started to showcase how to use up items druing the worst of lock down, I have taken aspects of this practice into daily life.

Homeschooling - In 2020, I started recording my homeschooling history. I would like to expand this series more in 2021.

Tattoo Story - The stories of my tattoos.

Joy of Using Up - This has been an off and on series, but I find myself gravitating to it more and more.

A Week of Books - Here I post even more book reviews to catch up and keep on track!

Sewing/Quilting - I would really like to bring back weekly sewing posts, but so far I’ve made it about one monthly.

Shelfie - Just pics of my home. (this one is an old series, but something I would like to bring back monthly).

There have been quite a few series that have fallen by the wayside, some I would like to bring back, others that might be gone forever.

Art and Nature... - Art and nature go together. I like to write about it here. 

Zoo at Home, Zoo Abroad - We love to visit animals, zoos, aquariums, etc... when we can.

Travel - One of my long standing goals is to document my travels.

Life Admin Day - This is where we check in on some admin goals we need to achieve, then see if we do achieve them.

Off Season - Notes on places I've seen, been, or explored and why I like them better in the off season. 

What I Eat in a Day - I love to eat, love to know what people are eating, love to share!

Habit Shift - Here I talk about the habits I love and those I want to make

So we can see that really only a few of these actually made in to be reoccuring series this year. And scrolling back through a year of posts, it’s easy to see what some of the issues, distractions and priorities were were. My booktube definitely was part of the reason the blog was not as loved in 2021. But also, I’ve been having lots of difficulties with the squarespace interface almost all year. Those issues not only derailed my being able to actually post, but frustrated me to the point that blogging become unpleasant and upsetting. Although those issues and frustrations haven’t ceased, I have developed some workarounds that have made posting a little easier.

It’s always nice to look back, see what series and posts make a regular scheduled programing on the blog and to reflect on what I love to post. Of course that makes me think of the year ahead and what posts will be like going forward.

Do you have a series on Mad Cat Quits that you enjoy? One that you missed in the year of 2021? One that you would like to see added? All feedback is welcome!