Weekly Video Round Up #11 - 2/15/21 - 2/21/21

2/17 - Finally doing the Booktube Newbie Tag!

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Here I am finally doing The BookTube Newbie Tag! I waited 5 month to do this tag then rearranged the questions! Some nerve!

1. Why did you start this channel?
2. What are some fun and unique things you can bring to Booktube?
3. What are you excited for for this channel?
4. What kinds of books do you read? (originally question 10)
5. What book or series got you into reading?
6. When did you start reading? (8)
7. Why do you love reading? (4)
8. Where do you read? (9)
9. What challenges will you face with this channel? (7)
10. What would you ask your favorite Booktubers? (6)

Booktubers mentioned:
Gabriel Armstrong: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpTfpKWM0tQQ0MG332Q3rPg/videos
Booksandlala: https://www.youtube.com/c/BooksandLala/videos

Cats in this video: none but Marty in the background noise.

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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2/19 - 1 More Month to Zero Waste Check In | Feb 2021 | Declutter Everything! | Youtube recommendations

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

In our 1 More Month to Zero Waste Journey, we are in month 2 and we are Decluttering Everything!! Or at least as much as we can! This is our mid month check in and if you need motivation and inspiration here are some awesome youtuber who declutter!!

Declutter reccs:
Racellea :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJCgaQzY5z5sA-xwkwibygw
MuchelleB: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW3yd6NHmEVpSjc5ze2dJe8WrEBmTSUZB
Shannon Torres: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUqV8_zhkfU7xYvoZG70fUQ
Simple Living with Scandish Home: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCai8DYzqppNo4ifXC-DvebA
Ashleyanne Eaton: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNbhFEhIHtcgqf4hBBtPYeQ

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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2/21 - Basement Box Books and Recently Acquired Books | Anti-Haul | Secondhand Books | Zero Waste Booktuber | Backlist Booktuber

Hi, I’m Mo.
Thanks for joining me today! I post videos three days a week. I post about creative simple living: books, cats, zero waste, bullet journaling, beach life, and more!

Here are some books that I brought up from the basement or got a Free Little Libraries, or thrift shops.

Books mentioned:
Sharp Teeth (2007) Tobey Barlow
The Joke's Over: Ralph Steadman on Hunter S. Thompson (2006) Ralph Steadman
Gonzo (2010) Will Bingley and Anthony Hope-Smith
And Another Thing (2009) Eoin Colfer
Cats Don’t Exist (2004) JIS
The Secret Language of Dreams: A Visual Key to Dreams and Their Meanings (1993) David Fontana
Time Cat (1963) Lloyd Alexander
Thunderstruck (2006) Erik Larson
Each Peach Pear Plum (1978) Janet Ahlberg, Allan Ahlberg
The Lake District Murders (1935) John Bude
The Tiger in the Well (1990) Philip Pullman
A Clockwork Orange (1962) Anthony Burgess
The Chris Farley Show: A Biography in Three Acts (2007) Tom Farley Jr. and Tanner Colby

Original music by audionightlight. https://soundcloud.com/anlight/tracks

Blog: http://www.madcatquilts.com/blog
Instagram: http://instagram.com/madcat1
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/120401161-ana-mo-shoshin

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