2021 Quarterly Goals | Q2 (April, May June)

Here we are in Q2 of 2021. It was a little hard to not just keep all the same goals from Q1. Partly bc I feel like almost none of them were 100% completed, but also, it was kinda nice to just work on those goals for three solid months. Would it also have been nice to keep working on them? That might be a good goals experiment for another year.

But here were are, needing new goals for a new quarter. This is what I’m thinking.

10K steps (but really tho)
This is a carry over goal. What’s frustrating about this goal, is that it is one that I had made into routine, but fell out of. I have to get back to it.

cleaning schedule
This is also a carry over goals and it’s not quite going as I planned. So far this goal is helping me keep a cleaning schedule in mind even if i’m not 100% getting it right yet.

yoga/stretching/exercise 15 min a day
The last carry over goal is to take only a little bit og time to improve my physical health.

tiktok and reels
Last quarter I wanted to get better at posting on instagram, which I feel like I’ve gotten marginally better at. For this quarter, I want to continue to get better at instagram, but to focus on figuring out how to create reels. Along with this, I want to give tiktok a go.

be outside more
This will be easier now that it’s springtime. It also goes along with several of my other goals.

eat better/lose weight
Another goals in line with several others above. I don’t want to sat the D word, but I need to reign in some of my bad eating habits and get back to eating better.

We’ll check in over the next three months and see how these goals manifest. What are your quarterly goals?
