One More Month to Zero Waste | February 2021 (Like Feb 2019)

Over the last two years, Mad Cat Quilts did a 6 More Months to Zero Waste project. In 2021, we are taking what we learned from that project and reenforcing it 1 More Month at a time. We will be looking at the orininal challenges and recreating them so that we can get better at zero waste. This project is happening at my youtube channel.

Learning to become more zero waste will always be an ongoing practice. One will never be truly zero waste. But that very fact is why we must strive towards that final outcome and refresh our practice continually. Each time we tackle a challenge we will learn something new, or get closer to our goal.

One important step to zero waste is to see what we have. We cannot all be minimalists, so many of us have a lot of things. A good first step is to see what we already have and see what of that we can use up. So this month we are taking time to declutter our homes and lives. Be decluttering, we can assess what we have, what we can use up and where we can cut down.

The thought of decluttering everything might be daunting. To make this challenge easier follow these simple steps:
Make a list of everything that is a priority for you to declutter
Declutter as many things on your list as you can during this month
Finish one area before you move on to the next

Check out the video here.

What are you choosing to declutter this month?

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