2020 Goals | July Goals and June Recap

June took quite a turn for me, and not really in a way that I enjoyed. Most of my goals had to take an extreme backseat to “real” life. Sometimes when that happens it makes me feel sad and angry, if I’m being honest. But Now it’s July, so we must move on. One of the reasons to make monthly goals is to have a new chance each month to improve systems, habits, and productivity.


Here’s how we did in June: Not great.

Inbox to zero, but really this time
Cluttered inbox, cluttered mind, am I right?

I worked on this goal a bit this month. But I would love to get it done.

Make 1 comic
Something I’ve been missing.


Make 1 video
Something I want to get better at.


Make more concrete goals from the things you like about isolation
Something for the long term.

I did also work on this goal in June.

Something for the very long term.

A little work got done on this as well.


For July, I think I have to do the same goals again. But add a few more in!

Inbox to zero, but really this time
Sometimes when I look at my inbox I just feel dread.

Make 1 comic
I’d really like to find a way to cronicle my experinces.

Make 1 video
I’ve made a few in the past, but I would like to get better at it.

I’m not sure why I can’t get this into my routine.

Restart sourdough
June was rough and I was not able to keep up with it but I really like having starter for breads, pancakes and cookies.

Work on Decluttering
I’n not going to fool myself that I can declutter everything in one month, but I have been trying to get some progress made on this goal.

What are your July goals? What do you do to re-motivate yourself if you have an unproductive month?