Bullet Journal Check In | August - What I Track and Why

The other day, I saw a friends habit tracker on Instagram and they requested to see mine. When they did, they were surprised! I was tracking so many things!!

When I first started bullet journalling, my tracker was only a handful of things, now it’s up to about 50.

I think my friend used thier habit tracker to keep them motivated for certain tasks, and I use mine that way, too. But I mostly use it to track my habits. I like to see what days I do what things, how often I do those things. I like to see what weeks or months I do which of the things I track. Sometimes I want to build a habit so I put it on my tracker to inspire me. My habit tracker changes seasonally. Summers I track swimming, Winters I might track something else. Some tasks I would do whether they were on the tracker or not. Some I very rarely do. I Like to look back over the month to take note of all this info.


Recently I’ve tried to put all the action items I want for my morning routine in one spot on my habit tracker. This way I can see if I do each item every day. I like how this has been working. Sometimes checking the habit tracker reminds me of some part of my morning routine and I set out to do it before I forget. Sometimes I don’t end up doing it in the morning, but later in the day instead.

Occasionally these are things that I will kick off my tracker if I see that I’m consistently not doing them. Sometimes I take things off bc I don’t feel the need to track them any more.

More often I think of things I might like to add to my tracker. But unless I drop other items, I’m just about out of room!

Do you use your tracker to keep you motivated? Do you track only things you do with consistency? Do you change your habit tracker each month or always track the same items year in and year out?