December in Review

Where did December even go? In some ways the month seems to extend back in my memory indefinitely, but in other ways, I remember the end of November then skip to today. We did do a little exploring in NJ this month, went to the beach, worked on achieving our goals, visited with friends, and made it to the end of the year.

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The weather was up and down, so we didn’t walk as much as usual but we tried when we could! We only saw a few #watchercats but weather put a damper on seeing them, I’m sure!

Work was busy, and we used that time to prepare for next year. We made strides at home, as well. Cleaning and organizing were a priority.

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Overall, 2020 was a weird year. It had very low lows, not just for the world but for our family, as well. But 2020 was also an amazing year for reflection and introspection. There were so many good things that came out of this year, too. Hopefully lessons we learned and ideas we had will carry on with us in the next year. It was a year to look inwards, but also to look outsides ourselves and care for others.

2020 is over, December is over. Wake up to a new day.