Mad Cat Garden | October 2020

It was an interesting month for the Garden. Most of October was dreary, rainy, and sparse in the garden. But there were moments of brightness and sun. For some reason, I didn’t take too many photos this month, so the Oct tour of the garden will be specific.


At the beginning of the month, our morning glories were still going strong and even coming up through every break in our concrete patio. We love the morning glories and want to think of a way to train them better next year.


We have been moving things into the green house, trying to get everything we want to save (or try to save) inside before the first frost. When the sun is out, it’s so nice to peek inside the walls. We have some foraged furniture and shelves inside, but it’s not big so it’s a fun puzzle to try and fit everything.


There was a lot for this month, we lost a lot of our last tomatoes and peppers as they were shook of the bushes.


Our pineapple sage went to flower this month and it was brilliant!! The flowers are beautiful.


Our orange thyme mascot is still doing well and got a little company for October.

What was your garden doing this month?