January Plant Update

I thought January would be slow for plant observations but it was pretty packed. We traveled a little, saw indoor and outdoor sights, remnants of the holidays, and many critters.

Every month is a good time to observe our house plants.

Every month is a good time to observe our house plants.

Irving agrees.

Irving agrees.

He also lets the neighborhood know.

He also lets the neighborhood know.

George is a friend.

George is a friend.

The last of xmas.

The last of xmas.

I only saw this interesting display after the holiday.

I only saw this interesting display after the holiday.

A great plant display at Montclair Vegan.

A great plant display at Montclair Vegan.

Twilight moon.

Twilight moon.

Some new additions.

Some new additions.

A day at the beach.

A day at the beach.

Feathers and sand.

Feathers and sand.

A fellow visitor.

A fellow visitor.

Big sky.

Big sky.

I was startled by this bright fellow on vacation.

I was startled by this bright fellow on vacation.

It was a cold January and we are deep in the heart of Winter. It’s been making for many winter plant observations. Is it winter where you are? What have your observations been this month?