The Problem with Wanting Too Much is Having Too Much

I really want to buy new underwear. New fresh, cotton, ethically made, sustainable underwear. I would love to get rid of basically all my old ones and buy all new.

I would love to go on the internet and buy every little thing I want, like artisen jewelry, zero waste skin care, a comfy tye died sweatshirt, all the jeans, even more of the records. And now that most of us are spending basically all our time at home, this is even more tempting.

There are several reasons why I don’t do that but what they all boil down to is that we should do now what we want for the future. People’s greed and shortsightedness definitely played a part in getting us into our current situation and certain people are taking advantage of the situation in which we now live. It’s up to us as individuals to think more carefully and mindfully about our decisions and how they impact the world, especially while we have the time to make really informed, thoughtful, decisions. While the whole world is forced to move a little slower, let’s move slower within ourselves.

I am now even more mindful of my space, and what I want from it. Our spaces are directly related to ourselves. We’ve all heard the expression “cluttered home, cluttered mind” and we know that for the vast majority of us this is true. I see that in my own life, even more clearly while I’m spending so much time at home. I won’t be becoming a minimalist, but I’m working on ways to decide what is most important in my space. People who are busy buying instead of thinking might come out of this time of covid 19 with more stuff but feeling less safe and whole and “decluttered” in their homes and minds. The problem with being taught to want so much is you will end up having too much.

One of the biggest changes zero wasters and minimalists have to make is the mindset shift from what society has taught us (bigger is better, more is never enough, buy stuff to feel better), to what we know to be true (simple is satisfying and we have a responsibility to ourselves, our world and our community to be better then before, self reflection is healthy). Now that you have a minute, take that time to think about what you want to survive from this time and how to best achieve that in your mind, life and the world.
