Mad Cat Garden | December 2019

December was definitely a slow month for the garden, as expected. We spent little time outside this month, but we cleaned up all the beds, and tidied the yards. We go out to check on things every few days, but for now we are mostly waiting for Spring.


All the bluebs have lost their leaves and are looking only like sticks now. Hopefully they all come back in the spring. It’s always a little scary to see them in this state.

Our wood pile is in a better state than it was a few month ago. We didn’t have many fires in 2019, but I would love to change that in 2020. My dream is to supplement our heat with a wood stove and all foraged wood. Maybe the new year is the time for that, as well. I see this going hand in hand with the garden and becoming more self sustainable.


Our orange thyme is still going strong, even in the snow. We will need to turn this bed ion Spring, so hopefully we will find a good new home for it.

December was mostly about propagating seeds and starting plants indoors. We’ve been saving or foraging seeds and some, especially those that are tropical, we’ve started growing early.


Although December was mostly dormant, there are new things popping up. Hopefully January will see more new growth and plans for the future.

What method do you use to plan your Spring garden? What tools do you use?