November in Review

November started busy, stayed busy, ended busy. November was a whirl wind. We saw so much family and friends, explored new places, visited old haunts, saw change and renewal. We still had time to rest.

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In the beginning of the month we were traveling. We got to see our family in the south, which is always a rare and special occasion. We got to visit areas that we haven’t seen in many years, and it was so interesting to see what had changed, and how things stay the same.

We also had friends visit us this month which is always a pretty rare occurrence. Life and work were busy this month. Having many celebrations broke the month us, and made it move even quicker.

We were able to walk and explore some at home. #watchercats were feeling the weather change, but many were out and about this month.

The month ended with a family centric holiday which was a great balance to seeing fam in the beginning as well. Getting to make traditional foods, play games, and generally relax with family is always a nice change for us.

There was a lot of work in Nov, but a lot of rest as well. We only have one more month to the year. Let’s say hello to December and goodbye to 2019.